Vanguard Predictive Planning for Supply Chains
Automate supply chain planning operations with Vanguard Predictive Planning. Spend less time finding the right information, and more time generating better plans.
Why Vanguard Predictive Planning
Focus on improvement. Automate planning processes with a powerful AI engine, and an unlimited number of strategy choices and constraint inputs. Build advanced workflows, utilize alerts and notifications, and manage by exception. Provide planners the most accurate and up-to-date predictions and recommendations that will result in harmonious, goal-based decision-making across all plans.
Leverage team wisdom in meaningful ways with Vanguard’s Collaboration Hub. Broadcast messaging, system-wide searching, and hashtagging are all supported by the built-in, actionable collaboration feed. Incorporate the team’s hard-earned wisdom while staying true to the data. Plug in key knowledge to improve forecast and planning accuracy.
Remain resilient against variability with Vanguard’s market-leading advanced analytics: artificial intelligence, machine learning, predictive and prescriptive analytics, and an optimization engine. Analyze various what-if scenarios with the support of Monte Carlo simulations to understand the probabilities of various outcomes, including best, average, and worst cases. Leverage knowledge of risk levels for any potential future scenario, and turn uncertainty into profit.
Enable end-to-end visibility and alignment. Stop running jobs; stop importing or connecting data from module to module. At the heart of Vanguard Predictive Planning is our Unified High-Performance In-Memory Object (UHIO) database, which supports a unified data model across all plans. Watch a change to the sales forecast impact the demand, supply, capacity, production and financial plans in real-time. Empower unified forecasting, planning, and decision-making across the entire organization.
Business Benefits
Automate supply chain planning
With Vanguard Predictive Planning, most of the supply chain planning process can be automated. A combination of artificial intelligence, predictive and prescriptive analytics, a robust rules engine, and advanced workflows makes this possible. This automation and accuracy layered onto a truly unified IBP platform allows organizations to understand and act on the end-to-end implications of potential decisions.
Industry analysts agree that automating as many decisions as possible helps improve efficiencies and maturity of supply chain teams. Automation is an important step for supply chains to scale and support growth in a cost-effective manner.
Improve forecast accuracy
Forecast accuracy is one of the most underrated aspects of supply chain planning software, mostly because everyone agrees that a point forecast is always wrong. What they miss, however, is that the forecast range (confidence intervals) is what needs to be correct. How that range is calculated is the crucial differentiator. Monte Carlo simulation offers a superior confidence interval (range) when compared with typical point techniques. It analyzes hundreds or thousands of scenarios in seconds to generate the intervals. Vanguard clients make use of these exceptional forecasts through our platform to better optimize inventory and operations, and improve financial performance.
Reduce costs, minimize stockouts, and improve profits and customer satisfaction
Market-leading supply chains keep optimal inventory levels to avoid lost sales and stockouts while improving customer satisfaction. It all starts with the forecast. Supply and production plans cannot be optimized if their input (the forecast) is bad. Improved forecast accuracy boosts both of these plans (supply and production). In turn, your organization will see a reduction in stockouts, optimized safety-stock levels, and a reduction in inventory carrying costs, increasing your working capital. A by-product of this improved accuracy is an increase in customer fulfillment and satisfaction while lowering inventory levels. This is the desired end game for any supply chain; Vanguard Predictive Planning helps you achieve it
Supply chain digitization
Whether your organization is just embarking on a digital transformation or is in the midst of one, Vanguard Predictive Planning is a key software component for the journey. Vanguard is a natively cloud supply chain planning platform that is inherently digital. Leveraging artificial intelligence, machine learning, advanced analytics, and support for omni-channel, your supply chain planning processes will be transformed overnight. Improvements to your service levels, costs, agility, inventory levels, and processes are continuously optimized, resulting in operational excellence. Vanguard helps your organization leverage more mature and transformative features of the platform. For example, Vanguard integrates disparate data sources like inventory, shipments, and customer orders to yield a more accurate forecast, anticipating problems before they occur.
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