Meet the team...

The Oneforecast team are dedicated to finding the best possible outcome solutions for your individual business needs.


Managing Director

Leo, Managing Director of One Forecast and an Industrial Engineer has more than 25 years of experience in extracting value from supply chains, with major strengths in Sales and operations planning.



Software Engineer

Ameeq, Software Engineer, with a Engineering degree has more than 5 years experience in technical system development in Supply Chain planning.



Engagement Manager

Zephien, who runs our customer engagements in his role as Engagement Manager, is an Industrial Engineer, MBA graduate and Six Sigma Black Belt with more than 10 years’experience and specific strengths in Supply Chain Planning, Network Design, Continuous Improvement and Data Analytics.



Office Manager

Judie, Office Manager, with more than 20 years’ experience in Administration and Accounting she coordinates the team and ensures finances run smoothly.

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